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一分彩票welcome登录入口|iPhone 6还没买 6S就要来了

发布时间:2024-10-19 08:57:01点击量:726
本文摘要:It’s been less than three months since Apple unveiled its iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, but rumours suggest the firm is gearing up for its next release already.两个多月前苹果公司才刚公布了新款手机iPhone 6 and 6 Plus,但是最近有传言称之为苹果早已在为下一代新品iPhone的公布做到打算了。

It’s been less than three months since Apple unveiled its iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, but rumours suggest the firm is gearing up for its next release already.两个多月前苹果公司才刚公布了新款手机iPhone 6 and 6 Plus,但是最近有传言称之为苹果早已在为下一代新品iPhone的公布做到打算了。Reports say Apple may hold two iPhone launch events next year, to release its iPhone 6S in spring, and its iPhone 7 in September.有报导称之为,苹果公司明年将不会举办两次手机新品发布会,春天公布iPhone 6S,九月份公布iPhone 7。The iPhone 6S may even go on sale at the same time as Apple’s upcoming Watch.公布iPhone 6S的同时有可能还不会同时公布新一代的Watch。

Until 2013, Apple released one handset each year around September time.2013年以前,苹果公司仍然都是在每年九月份左右公布一款手机新品的。Last year, however, it used its September launch event to announce two new devices-its flagship iPhone 5S and the ‘cheaper’ iPhone 5C.但是去年,在九月份的新品发布会上,苹果公司发售了两款新品:旗舰版的iPhone 5S和价格比较低廉的iPhone 5C。This was followed by the launch of its iPhone 6 and larger iPhone 6 Plus this year.今年九月份,又同时公布了iPhone 6和屏幕较小的iPhone 6 Plus。

The new schedule is expected to stagger the releases of two devices in 2015 to capitalise on sales.如果2015年倒数公布两款新品,预计销售额不会更加大幅的提升。Apple could release the iPhone 6S to people who want to upgrade to a slightly cheaper model, before announcing its flagship iPhone 7 in the autumn.苹果在公布7之前再行公布6S,有可能是针对那些想要改版但又想花太多钱的iPhone用户。‘Our source says that Apple is hesitant about launching the iWatch in the spring of 2015 without a new iPhone to go along with it,’ explained Mr Miller.米勒称之为:“我们获得的消息是,苹果公司正在犹豫不决明年春天公布新款iWatch否要一起公布新款iPhone。”The news comes as manufacturers revealed Apple has plans to kill off its iPhone 5C as early as next summer.与此同时,一些制造商透漏苹果公司计划最先于明年夏天投产iPhone 5C。

The report, by Taiwans Industrial and Commercial times, did not reveal the reasons behind the plans, but Apple has previously been known to discontinue models as they are replaced by newer versions.来自《台湾工商时报》的这篇报导并没透漏的iPhone 5C有可能投产原因,但是苹果公司历年来都有公布新品以后就投产老款的惯例。Sales of the 5C were also poor, compared to the companys expectations, and in January, research firm CIRP reports the model accounted for just 27 per cent of iPhone sales at the end of 2013.而且5C的销售额相比苹果公司的预期要劣很多。今年1月份的CIRP调查公司的报告表明到2013年底5C只占到iPhone系列销售总额的27%。

Manufacturers will begin winding down production of the handset from January, and are expected to pull the plug completely by the middle of 2015.制造商将不会从明年一月份开始逐步增加5C的产量,预计到明年年中几乎投产。Apple also recently killed off its iPod Classic.此外苹果公司最近还投产了iPod Classic音乐播放器。When Apple’s online store came back online following its iPhone 6 event in September, this later model was missing from the iPod lineup.自今年9月份公布iPhone 6之后,ipod classic就从苹果在线商店中消失了。Apple did not make any formal announcement about ceasing the line at the time.回应苹果公司也未做出任何月声明。

We couldnt get the parts anymore, not anywhere on Earth, explained Mr Cook.但苹果公司CEO蒂姆·库克在一次论坛上说明说道:“因为没零件了,iPod classic必须的零件早已在地球上任何地方都去找将近了。



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